21st century is a competitive world where every student tries to achieve high status in their life. In this rat race students get extra stress which ultimately leads them to depression. There are certain loopholes in India education system which pushes the students into this rat race. Indian higher education system has many flaws which leads insecurity, instability, carrier unsettlement etc. among students. The currents research papers focus on how stress has been managed by the research scholar of different universities in India. Basically, Stress is an internal or external constraint which changes the individual both mentally and physically. There are certain social facts like personal, social and academic etc which leads stress among research scholars. Sometimes Pending stipend, conflict with colleagues, academic load, failure of experiment etc. create stress among the research scholars which ultimately affect their physical and mental health and show symptoms like body trembling, high blood pressure, anxiety, restlessness, digestive discomfort, intolerance etc. They used various methods to counter stress like watching movies, talk to friends, talk to family members, listen music, read books, listen music, play games etc. The current research article focuses on sources of stress affecting research scholars, symptoms of stress and strategies of stress management which have been used by the scholars to cope up with stress during their research programme.