Lasers were introduced into the field of dentistry as they are a precise and effective way to perform many dental procedures. The use of laser has increased rapidly in the last couple of decades. There has been an explosion of research, articles and case reports on laser applications in the last two decades. There are more than 40 uses for Laser. In hard tissue application, the laser is used for caries prevention and excavation, bleaching, restoration removal and curing, cavity preparation, dentinal hypersensitivity, growth modulation and for diagnostic purposes, whereas soft tissue application includes wound healing, removal of hyperplastic tissue to uncover the impacted or partially erupted tooth, photodynamic therapy for malignancies, photostimulation of herpetic lesion. The apex of the research and exploration has affected the laser, which offers lot of capabilities across all regulations in dentistry. The aim of this review is to focus on the soft tissue applications, in dentistry.