Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy S.A. is an entity created and operated under the Act of 4 March 2005 on the Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy. The area of operation of KFK S.A. governed by Article 5 of the Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy assumes that currently the sole object of KFK S.A. activity is to provide financial support to capital funds investing in companies having their head offices in Poland, particularly in innovative or research and development activities. Regardless of whether Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy S.A. will act as a fund of funds investing in SMEs that will invest directly in SMEs through venture capital funds, the sole and exclusive purpose of its actions will be to achieve the objectives of the Community and national policies to support the development and entrepreneurship in the country. The extent to which Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy S.A. will carry out these objectives and is in line with Community and national rules for venture capital investments, funding from the Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy S.A. will not constitute unlawful state aid, and even more so will not interfere with competition in the market.