Modification of formulation and process parameters to improve the quality of existing dosage forms is an important branch of the pharmaceutical research. Development of crystal agglomerates as well as drug-excipient co-agglomerates to improve the flow property is one of the latest addition in this field. Spherical agglomeration is a novel technique to produce spherical crystals which are reported to have better bioavailability. Crystallo co-agglomeration is a type of spherical agglomeration technique, which enables both crystallization and agglomeration to be done simultaneously of two or more drugs to yield complex agglomerates of drug and excipients. These techniques are useful to yield directly compressible crystal/agglomerates to achieve fast dissolving tablet as well as modify the drug release for controlled release dosage form. The objective of this article is to review the status of research in this field. Different strategies used to develop drug-excipient agglomerates, their pharmaceutical applications as well as factors affecting rate processes of agglomeration are also included.