Background There is a high prevalence of malaria in Nigeria thus causing high morbidity and mortality rate among individuals, families and community Objective: To ascertain the prevalence of malaria, beliefs about predisposing factors, and treatment practices among students in University of Benin.
Materials and Methods A descriptive survey was carried out among three hundred and eighty student undergraduates of the tertiary institution in the mid- west of Nigeria. Stratified sampling technique was used to select the students. Instrument of data collection was a self administered questionnaire.
Results Respondents were primarily in the 19-24 year old age category (73.4%), male (55.3%) and those residing in school hostel (67.9%). The respondents agreed that environmental factors help breeding of mosquitoes which are malaria infection carriers, thus making the prevalence rate of malaria among students high and alarming. Lastly, majority of the respondents used combined anti-malaria drug bought from the chemists to combat malaria.
Conclusion The prevalence of malaria infection amongst students is very high and many of the students are misinformed about pre-disposing factors. These findings provide base-line information for evidence-based planning and implementation of malaria control activities in the school by the management.