The treatment and healing of Wounds are some of the oldest subjects discussed in the medical Literature. The same events, in the same order, occur in every healing process regardless of the tissue type or the inciting injury. Knowledge of Wound healing allows Surgeons to manipulate wounds to achieve optimal results in a short period. In Ayurveda non healing ulcer can be correlated with Dushta Vrana. Application of Kshar karma for shodhana and ropana of Dushta Vrana is one among the Sixty upakramas of Vrana. Pratisaarniya Kshar is indicated for Dushta Vrana in Ksharpakavidhi Adhayaya (Sutrasthana chapter 11) of Sushruta Samhita. Kshar has chhedana (excision), Bhedana (incision), and Lekhana (scrapping) properties along with Tridoshhara (equilibrium of Vata, Pitta, Kapha) properties, thus considered as a good curative measure for local treatment of Dushta vrana. A case report of an open traumatic ulcer successfully treated by local application of Apamarga Kshar Pichu has been presented here.