As the above story tells the Sugalis trace their origin to their ancestors called Mola and Mota, the two brothers, who were among the disciples of Lord Krishna.3 The Sugalis believe that the two brother - Mola and Mota were brought into the world through the spiritual power of the Jagadguru. The saint did not provide any means of livelihood for the two brothers. Hence, both of them approached Lord Krishna who then named these two unknown persons as Mola and Mota and asked them to tend his cows to which they readily agreed. From then Mola and Mota became the close disciples of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna at the time of completing his incarnation (close of Dwaparayuga), distributed all his 16,000 Gopikas among his disciples. Mota was given Rukmini, Mola was given Radha, a Gopika from Yadava community as a wife to farmer on condition that he should not have any sexual relation with her. Radha and Mola became life partners and became dancers and acrobats. They used to go from one capital to another capital exhibiting their skill before the Rajas and Maharajas. One day they entertained a serious thought about the adoption of children for the future expansion of their community. Accordingly they happened to visit Raja Lohad Pamhar, Swamsha Kail of Dharungadh. Radhs and Mola exhibited their dance before the Raja. Raja was highly pleased with their amusing dances and agreed to the desire of Radha and Mole a child of his as a reward. The Raja was happy to give one of his sons as reward. Taking this child with them they approached Raja Kasam of Rathod. Here too by their exquisite dance they could get one of the sons of Raja Kasam. In the same manner they went to Raja Chetur Bhuj alias Phoolia of Mandvi. He too was pleased with their dances and gave away his son asreward.