“Absolute Unconditional Zero” is explained which was the condition before the creation of the Universe (Before the Big Bang) equal to non-existence of Space, Time and Mass-Energy. Because of non existence of Relative Conditions (like Space-Time and Energy), Absolute Unconditional Zero projected itself as “One Dimensional Unidirectional Upward Positive Imaginary Straight Unconditional Absolute Infinite Line {i; i=Sqrt (-1)}” which was equivalent to “Infinite Imaginary Mass” with no existence of Space-Time. Its point like Dark Shadow i.e. “Absolute Infinitesimal Point {-i}” sucked Segment of Infinite Positive Line in downward direction for distance of iQ (Q=Value of Charge) and for Quanta of Time iTQ (TQ = Q/c = ON/OFF Action) with the help of Vacuum (Differential Pressure = Infinite Pressure – Zero Vacuum Pressure) which was present everywhere. The moment when ON/OFF action was finished (Equivalent to cyclic rotation; either clockwise or anti-clockwise i.e. Rotational Asymmetry), this action oriented segment called as Energy along with equal amount of Absolute Positive Massive segment (HQ 2 = G0* Mc; HQ = 1/{2**TQ}) was Collapsed instantaneously (Time=0) in terms of Quanta particles. Each quanta one dimensional Massive (k) Boson particle (h=Q*c*k; k ≈TeV; Spin=0) was enveloped by equal amount of Massless Boson particle (Spin=0). Asymmetry in rotation of this Massless Boson particle shifted Massive Boson Particle diagonally to 4th Dimension such that each Massive particle was converted into Quadra particle with 2 Pairs of Fermion particles- 1) Pair of Top Neutrino and Bottom Anti-Neutrino, and 2) Pair of Quark and Anti Quarks. Further process of creation from this Quadra particle into Internal 3 Dimensional Space is already explained by Author in his previous paper “Theory of 3 Folds and 5 Dimensional Universe”. For this, The Standard Model of Particle Physics is used to arrange all known Fundamental particles (Fermions and Bosons) in 3 Folds way in 4th Imaginary Space. Some of the views of above paper are replaced with simplified concepts in order to better understand creation of our Universe (For e.g., Matter - Antimatter Asymmetry is explained through 4th Dimensional Rotation by Vertical Massless Boson Energy Particles instead of 5th Dimensional Rotation). While overall concept of evolution of the Universe in terms of 3 Folds in 4th Imaginary Dimension remains same.