The Diaspora of Indian with abundant, high quality and cost effective services has played a significant role in the growth of IT industry all over the world. Moreover, the vast resource of skilled manpower, India has become as a major destination for IT companies. At the same time, such skilled manpower has been suffering a lot and become stress prone due to work pressure and irregular working hours, in turn leading employee attrition. Despite formulation of various strategies and adopted innovative HRM practices to attract and retain the professionals as well as to create congenial environment to counter the challenges faced by employee attrition, the IT companies have succeeded in mitigating the employee attrition only at little extent. So is the situation of employee attrition, many researchers have been conducted across a range of industries but there is no serious research to ascertain the various elements of employee attrition in IT sector. Hence, in this article, an attempt is made to analyze the intention of leaving the organization and factors (both internal and external to the organizations) causing employee attrition along with analyzing the relationship between two aspects using the sample 500 selected randomly from population of IT employees working two prominent organizations, viz. Infosys and TCS. The status of employees’ intention of leaving the organization and the internal / external factors that are important in causing attrition is explored by descriptive analysis. The effect of attrition causing internal / external factors on employees’ intention of leaving the organization is evaluated by a canonical correlation analysis.