The present study was primarily undertaken to develop economically complement and nutritionally enrich cookies with garden cress seeds. Cookies were developed using roasted garden cress seeds. The seeds were incorporated at different levels in the standardized formula. Enrichment of garden cress seeds in different samples of cookies were made at 2.5%, 5.5%, 8.5% and 10.5% level andT0 of cookies with a slight modification of standardized process was used. All the samples of the garden seed enriched cookies were evaluated for its sensory attributes by using 9-point hedonic scale. Nutritional content such as energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, calcium and iron levels along with the cost of different samples of developed cookies were also determined in the study. Amidst different samples of the developed cookie, T4 with the maximum level (10.5%) of enrichment of garden cress seeds showed highest amount of macronutrients and major micronutrients (iron & calcium). On the other hand, in terms of mean scores of overall acceptability based on the sensory attributes,T2with 5.5% of garden cress seeds enrichment scored highest. The cost per 100 g of each treatment of developed cookie ranged from Rs 20.34 for T0 to Rs 24.52 for T4 which makes its economical viable for commercial packaging and sale. Therefore, it can be concluded that cookies developed from the enrichment of garden cress seeds has acceptable sensory attributes and improved nutritional content.