The primary goal of periodontal therapy is to remove the bacterial deposits and their toxins in order to slow or arrest the disease progression and regenerate the lost periodontal tissue. Lasers have gained attention recently as an adjunct for periodontal therapy. The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of diode laser as an adjunct to open flap debridement in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. A split mouth study was conducted in 20 subjects diagnosed with chronic periodontitispresenting at least 3 teeth in each quadrant with probing pocket depth of ≥ 5 mm after phase I therapy. One quadrant i.e. the control site (site A) was treated with open flap debridement and the contralateral quadrant i.e. the test site (site B) was treated with open flap debridement and diode laser. (GaAlAs) (Zolar Photon™). The result of the study showed that the probing depth reduction and gain in relative attachment level in both the groups from baseline to 6 months was statistically significant but, the difference in the two groups at the end of 6 months was statistically insignificant. Radiographically bone density changes were compared in both the group and there was a statistically significant increase in site B from baseline to 6 months.