Ultrasonic speed (U), density (ρ) and viscosity (η) values for ternary systems (amino acid+ salt + water): L-valine/ L-threonine/L-phenylalanine in aqueous solutions of 0.0M, 0.025M and 0.050M sodium bromide have been measured for several concentrations of amino acids at 303, 308 and 313K. From these experimental results, apparent molal compressibilityk , limiting apparent molal compressibility 0 k and the slope Sk, apparent molal volume v , limiting apparent molal volume 0v and the slope Sv, transfer volume Δ0v ,transfer compressibility Δ 0 k , Falkenhagen coefficient A and Jones Dole coefficient B were calculated. The results are used to establish the nature of solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions. The structure-making and the structure-breaking abilities of the solute in aqueous medium are also studied