Role Of School Management Committee (Smc) Of Right To Education (Rte) Act 2009 In Schools: Awareness And Functions

Research Article
Bernat L and Kanmani M
The SMCs Structure, role and responsibilities are prescribed by central act and state rules

Right to education is a part of right to life and guaranteed through 86th constitutional amendment in 2002. “Right to education act” ensured free and compulsory education from age six (6) to fourteen (14) years. This act put more attention and gave space to the different stakeholders from society. Community participation ensured through school management committees (SMCs) in schools under the right to education act. The school management committees are mandatory in all government and government funded schools. The objectives of SMCs are community contribution to development of schools, Monitor the functioning of school and ensured children’s quality education. The SMCs Structure, role and responsibilities are prescribed by central act and state rules. This study tries to analyze the awareness level of parents, teachers and headmasters from sampling schools. It also tries to analyze the function of school management committees in schools. Purposive sampling technique is used to identify the schools. Data collected through self-administered questionnaire by the researcher.