The current study includes isolation and characterization of laccase producing fungi from decaying wood region of fallen trees, soil and mushrooms in the area of botanical garden of Karnatak University Campus, Dharwad, Karnataka. In this study, 9 fungal isolates were isolated by serial dilution technique and fruiting bodies of mushroom used for the isolation. They were cultivated on potato dextrose agar (PDA) plate with indicator compound Guaiacol to screen for the laccase production ability. Out of 9 isolates, Only 2 isolates have the ability to produce laccase, one was presumed to be potent and another showed weak laccase production. The most potent strain was used for further studies. Potent fungus was morphologically identified as belong to Coprinus comatus. Laccase production was done by Submerged Fermentation (SmF). Various process parameters like different pH, temperature, carbon and nitrogen sources wereon laccase production was investigated in the fermentation process. The laccase activity was highest with sucrose as carbon source and yeast extract as nitrogen source. The highest production of laccase at pH 5 and the temperature for production was recorded at 30°C. Further dye decolourization was performed with the selected fungus.