Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of mortality and natality among the Hill population of Darjeeling for the period covering 2012-2016. The mortality rate is constituted by various factors such as age, gender, place of birth, occupation, cause of death, number of death per year in Darjeeling Municipality area. The study of birth rate is constituted by factors such as total birth, number of males and females born per year, age of the mother, whether born in government hospital, house or other places, medical attention available, body weight of the new born infant and nature of birth. Materials and Methods: The data pertaining to the death and birth occurrence in the Darjeeling Municipality area was collected from the Death and Birth Registration Office, Darjeeling Municipality, Darjeeling (Under Public Health Department, Government of West Bengal,) with the kind permission of, The Chairman, Darjeeling Municipality, Darjeeling. The mortality and natality data was collected covering the period from 2012 to 2016. Results: The life expectancy of the population under study has increased over the period, with highest mortality rate (42.85%) seen in age group (61-80 years) and there is also considerable increase in the life expectancy of age group (81-100 years), Table 1. The causes of death was complied and it was found that there were seventeen major causes of deaths in the survey area, and accordingly, five most prominent disease causing death was found to be Heart disease, Liver disease, Cancer, High Blood related diseases and Diabetes mellitus.(Table 3). The comparative account of the most prevalent causes of death in Darjeeling area and world showed striking similarities, where the heart disease, cancer and strokes were the major causes of mortality (Table 4). In the current study of the birth rate or natality, the average birth rate of males was found to be 57.58% and that of females 42.41%. It was found that the number of Caesarean Births has steady increased as compared to normal birth. This may be due to increase in the age of the mother during delivery of a child (Table 7), as it is found, females giving birth at the age between 25-30 years is 30.53%, followed by 31-35 years (29.34%) (Table 7). Conclusion: It is to be noted that the study of a human resources is important form the point of view of human welfare because human beings are not only instruments of production but also ends in themselves. A study of such a pilot project on defined geographical population is necessary as it is an important determinant of overall development of mankind in all aspect such as social, economical, mental and above all, the sustainable conservation and propagation of human race.