Background: Study objective was to assess the nutritional status and evaluating the nutritional knowledge of the selected tribal adult women.
Methodology: Study was conducted in Sholayur Village of Attappady, Palakkad District. Sample of 100 tribal adult women belonging to the age group of 19 to 34 years were selected for the collection of data regarding socio economic status, monthly expenditure, food habits, life style pattern and nutritional knowledge was assessed before and after education. A 24 hour dietary recall method was used to assess the dietary intake of the subjects. Anthropometric measurements like height, weight, hip circumference and waist circumference were measured. Body mass index was calculated for the selected subjects. Results: Mean height and weight were compared with standard values and found that height was below the standard values of NCHS (2010) and weight was normal. BMI of the subjects found that, 55 per cent of the subjects had normal BMI and Eight per cent of the subjects had BMI of < 16 and it categorized as severe malnutrition. Nine per cent of the subjects had BMI in the range of 16-16.99 and it was categorized as moderate malnutrition. Waist hip ratio showed that 44 per cent of the selected subjects had the low risk of obesity and 24 per cent of the subjects had high risk of obesity. Cereals and pulses were consumed daily and green leafy vegetables consumed regularly. Consumption of fruits and milk were poor. Food intake was less than the ICMR suggested RDA except green leafy vegetables and nutrient intake was found to be inadequate except vitamin C. Nutritional knowledge was assessed and it was statistically significant at one per cent level.
Conclusion: Nutritional status and knowledge of the tribal adult women was unsatisfactory and they need in-depth nutrition education and intervention programmes for their holistic development.