Asthi of the hardest morphological components of Human Body except Teeth. The main function of Asthi i.e., Dharana can be understood along with the action of osseous tissue where it acts as framework of Human body. It is made from the medodhatu in combination with asthidhatvagni (sausma) and Prithvi, Agni etc. Developmentally it of Pitrijabhava and structurally, Danta is considered to be the upadhatu of Asthi dhatu. In relation to osseous tissue, asthidhatu, enumeration of asthi, asthisanghata, asthiguna, asthi vaha srota, asthi marma, asthi as pratyanga, asthidharakala etc will come under consideration. The morbidity related to asthi dhatu is found in context of Asthikshaya, Asthivriddhi, Asthi pradosaja vikar. The present work includes maximum abnormality mentioned in relation to Asthi including Asthi Sausirya and also tried to evaluate its applied aspect. Dissection and histological interpretation are also tried to highlight the present work