According to the World Health Organization, corneal diseases are a major cause of vision loss and blindness, second only to cataract in overall Importance. Aims and objectives: -1. A study of recent epidemiological trends in case of fungal corneal ulcer. 2.To study the Precipitating and predisposing factors for fungal corneal ulcer.3.To study the clinical profile of fungal corneal ulcer. Material & Method- Thirty consecutive cases of presumably fungal corneal ulcers admitted in hospital over a period of one year were included in the study. The presumptive diagnosis was based on clinical features and history. The diagnosis was then confirmed by KOH preparation and culture. Observation -it was found that fungal corneal ulcer are common in people of 40-60 year and more common in male. Fungal corneal ulcer occur mostly in farmer but in urban area because of over use of topical antibiotics and steroid, fungal ulcer also very common and in urban young population who wear contact lens, corneal ulcer is common finding. Conclusion-Due to vegetative trauma in rural area and due to over use of topical antibiotics and steroid fungal ulcer is very common problem in urban population.