Microalgae carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration has been recognized as a promising technology in the arena of sustainable development to mitigate CO2. The objective of the present study was to optimize the culture conditions for freshwater microalgae Scenedesmus bajacalifornicus BBKLP07. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to analyze biomass productivity (R1) and CO2 fixation (R2) of microalgae Scenedesmus bajacalifornicus BBKLP-07 cultivated on media containing varying concentrations of CO2, nitrate and phosphate at different pH conditions. The predicted second-order quadratic model for response variables was significant (p < 0.01). Additionally, predicted R-squared values 0.7111 (R1), 0.8616 (R2) of quadratic model indicated the satisfactory fit of the model. On the basis of statistical analysis of results, CO2 concentration (15%), sodium nitrate (1.75 g/l/day), Di potassium hydrogen phosphate (0.06 g/l/day) and pH 7 i.e. C15N1.75P0.06H7, was found to be the best combination for maximum biomass productivity (0.93 g/l/day) and highest carbon dioxide fixation rate (0.13 g/l/day).