Ocular Demodicosis is a commonly underdiagnosed and most frequently overlooked pathology of the eyelid margins causing chronic anterior and posterior blepharitis leading to meibomian gland dysfunction, recurrent chalazion, chronic ocular surface inflammation and refractory keratoconjunctivitis. Identification of the demodex can be done only by examining the lash follicle and detection of the mite under microscope and in-vivo detection using confocal microscopy. Establishing the etiology of chronic blepharitis is important for instituting the right treatment for cure and relief of signs and symptoms. Seventy patients who were detected to have demodex mite in the lash root were treated with Tea tree oil (TTO) which is the current treatment of choice and were followed after 4 weeks for assessment of the subjective signs and symptoms and detection of the mite in the lash root. Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol which helps in reducing the demodex mite count and eradicating the parasite from lid margins