Ozoroa insignis oil, extracted from the mesocarp of fruits, arouses interest in cosmetics and dermatology because of its richness in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which could give it remarkable biological properties. To use this oil in cosmetics and dermatology, a study of its acute toxicity was conducted. The method used by Lorke (1983) was employed in this study. NMRI mice aged 8 to 12 weeks, with a weight between 31 and 33 g for females and between 42 and 50 for males, were used. The single dose of 2000 mg/Kg/bw was administered to the animals orally. The animals were followed for 14 days with weight measurement on day 0, day 7, and day 14. Symptomatic disturbances were noted. All animals were sacrificed on day 15 and autopsied. Macroscopic observation of the organs was performed to assess the effect of the oil on the liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs, and heart. The results showed that no symptomatic disorder was noted. No mortality was recorded during the test. Growth performance was greater in the mice tested. Body weight gains of 4.95 g and 7.94 g were noted on day 7, respectively, in females and males tested. No organ damage was observed in the mice tested. These results suggest that the oil of O. insignis has no acute oral toxicity, and it opens up great prospects for the socio-economic valuation of its oil and its conservation by the populations.