Background and Objectives: Clinical governance is a new, systematic approach to maintain and promote the quality of care in a health care system. Risk management and patient safety are among the required components of a clinical governance system. Educating the public, the personnel and the service providers is essential for patient safety. Residents are the first priority for education due to their greater attendance and special role in treatment of patients. A comprehensive educational program about patient safety is the cornerstone of resident education. This study aimed to compile a patient safety curriculum guide for residents based on needs assessment of residents, directors of resident education and nurses. Materials and Methods: This study compiled a patient safety curriculum guide for residents in five steps: 1. A scientific committee was established and a questionnaire was designed. 2. The questionnaires were filled by residents, nurses and directors of resident education and needs assessment was done. 3. Educational goals were set. 4. Educational topics were selected. 5. Educational content and method were suggested. Results: A total of 191 subjects including 100 residents, 65 directors of resident education and 26 nurses responded to the needs assessment questionnaire. The main topics retrieved via factor analysis were1. Principles and concepts of patient safety and human factor, 2. Systematic thinking and effective group work, 3. Risk management and prevention of adverse events in invasive medical procedures, 4.Prevention and control of infection, 5.Familiarity with errors in other occupations, 6. Principles to promote the quality of health care services, 7. Medical malpractice and proper communication with patients Conclusion: The selected topics in the current educational content are in accord with the key points in patient safety curricula especially the patient safety curriculum guide by the World Health Organization (WHO).