There is a global trend to stimulate sustainable urbanization by updating the hardware of the built environment with green technologies. However, simply greening the city hardware does not ensure a sustainable urban system. In reality, urban communities, as cells of the city, play a crucial role in the sustainable development of the entire city. This paper conducts a case study by understanding the nature, and the importance ofenvironment sustainable community development and the role of youth in the urban area and also the government and NGOs initiatives in achieving the targets and also to identify the problems, and challenges facing in the urban area in view of urban community development towards environmental sustainability. This paper identifies the major actors and mechanisms underpinning the sustainable development of urban communities with a case study. The establishment of this more cost-effective form of community governance will possibly provide more benefits to community members. This case study will shed light on the sustainable development of urban community in many other cities, offering possible pathways and epitome for selforganization of urban community in the coming era. Its cost-effective institutional design contributes greatly to sustainable community development, partly solving the current failure to promote urban sustainability