Poornayu Swarna Prashan Bindu is a combination of gold, go-ghrita and multi-herb which contains nine important herbs in fresh and dried form. The present study provides updated information on its phytochemical analysis, pharmacological properties, microbial limit, heavy metal study and probable mode of action of Poornayu Swarna Prashan Bindu. Organoleptical, Physio-chemical properties, microbial test, heavy metal study and probable mode of action of drug were evaluated as a primitive step to analyse the Poornayu Swarna Prashan Bindu. The Physiochemical properties on loss on drying – 26.41%, Refractive Index at 400C – 1.4544, Weight per ml at 400C – 0.901, specific gravity – 0.908, saponification value – 233, Iodine value – 36.84, Acid value – 0.66, Peroxide value – 0.64, Congealing point – passes to test, Mineral oil absent, pH value – 4.21. The Microbial study and heavy metal study were also performed. The results of microbial test are within limit as per API specification. It is made with gold, go-ghrita, and herbs, it does not contain heavy metals like arsenic, lead, mercury, or cadmium. Probable gross action of Poornayu Swarna Prashan Bindu possesses Medha Agni BalaVardhanam (enriches intelligence, i.e. brain capacity, absorption, metabolism, invulnerability, and body strength), Ayushyam (improving lifespan), Mangalam (lucky), Punyam (moral), Vrushyam (aphrodisiac), Varnyam (improving colour and skin texture) and Grahapaham (safeguard from evil spirits and micro-organisms) are the basic benefits of Suvarna Prashan.