Marsilea quadrifolia A creeping perennial herb with slender long dichotomously branching rhizome; rooting at the nodes. Leaves quadrifoliate, circinate, when young, petioles long, slender, flexible, lamina divided into four leaflets, sporocarps are bean like, born on short or long stalks inserted a short distance above the base of the petiole. It is belongs to family Marsileaceae. Parts are used Whole Plant. Thiaminase enzyme is majorly present in this plant And also present steroids and some carbohydrates. Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, cough, bronchitis, diabetes, psychiatric diseases, eye diseases, diarrhea and skin diseases. Marsilea quadrifolia extract (250mg/kg and 500mg/kg) administered orally improved learning and memory of mice assessed by the behavioral models like Elevated Plus Maze, Morris water maze, Y-maze. In Scopalamine induced amnesia there is loss of memory. The EEMQ extract contains majorly Steroids and antioxidant property which may responsible for the anti-amnesic effect.