Phytochemicals are secondary metabolites produced by Shuteriainvolucrata has medicinal uses. This plant belongs to fabiaceae family respectively. The phytochemical analysis of whole plantparts used in different solvents such as aqueous, chloroform, ethanol, hexane, methanol, and petroleum ether extracts were investigated. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, carotenoids, coumerin, essential oil, flavonoids, glycosides, gum & mucilage, lipids & fat, phenols, proteins, quinines, resin, saponin, starch, steroids, tannin, terpenoids, vitamin C & ascorbic acid, and phytosterols in varying concentrations. The present study provides evidence that solvents extract of Shuteriainvolucrata contains medicinally important bioactive compounds and this justifies the use of plant species as traditional medicine for treatment of various diseases including dental diseases.