Methonalic leaf extract of Anthocephalus cadamba was evaluated for phytoconstitutes present in them by UV/Vis absorbtion spectra, FT-IR Analysis. These studies indicated the possible information for correct identification and standardization of the plant materials. The larvicidal activity of methonalic leaf extract of Anthocephalus cadamba were obtained by solvent extraction and then bioassayed following protocols showed LC50 values from 5 to 80ppm after exposure. The mortality was high as 100% in the 1st instars larva .Minimum mortality was 31% in IV Instar. The LC50 values and LC90 values were represented as follows. Lc50 values and lc90 values for 1st instar was 0.612, 10.125, II instar was 1.291, 15.064 III rd instar was 3.526, 19.979 and IV instar was 5.631, 24.958 respectively. The LC50 and LC90 value of pupal stage after the treatment of plant extract Anthocephalus cadamba was 10.521 and LC90 value was 35.227 respectively. IGR activity on filarial vector culex quinquefasciatus after the treatment of plant extract Anthocephaluscadamba is given. The concentrations used for the treatment were 5, 10, 20, 40, 80ppm.Percentage inhibitions were 39, 54, 62, 69, and 75 respectively. EI50 and EI90 were 6.781 and 125.575. The results suggest that the investigated plant extracts are promising larvicides against filarial vector culex quinquefasciatus. This leads in the search for new and biodegradable plant derived larvicidal products.