Introduction: - Placental examination is a simple & non-invasive method which plays an important role in predicting & improving outcome of pregnancy. Its strategic location at feto-maternal interface provides a record of pregnancy in which the cumulative effects of pregnancy related events and changes reflecting the intrauterine environment can be scrutinized.
Aims & Objectives:-To diagnose lesions of placenta in cases of pregnancy induced hypertension in 2nd& 3rd trimester of pregnancy. To classify the lesions on the basis of clinical presentation and to compare the results with relevant investigations.
Material & Methods:-This study includes histopathological examination of placenta in cases of PIH during period of May 2009 to April 2011. The study was carried out at KIMS, Karad having a tertiary care hospital.
Observation:- 28 cases(19.4%) cases of PIH were obtained amongst 144 cases which comprised of 17 cases(60.72%)having severe PIH, 11 cases (39.28%) having mild PIH. 18 cases (64.28%) reveal increased morbidity and mortality in the form of intrauterine death, stillbirth, low placental weight, low birth weight due to utero-placental insufficiency.
Conclusion:-Histopathological examination of placentas in cases of pregnancy induced hypertension proves exceedingly valuable in timely management and helps to improve the outcome of pregnancy.