The focus of this paper is on pragmatism and the quest for integrated rural development. It is a credo that pragmatism as a philosophical school of thought will efflorescence, synergize and galvanize policy and programmes of sustainable integrated rural development, in the urban and rural sectors of Nigeria economy. Actions of government warped from pragmatic philosophical strand will ameliorate, add fillip to the standard of living of the rural inhabitants who are currently manacled and marooned in abject poverty. It is in this breath, that the millennium development goal can be achieved in Nigeria. Consequently, the paper defines the concept integrated rural development. The paper is explicated with the aid of pragmatism theory. It also discuss the nexus between pragmatism as a philosophical school of thought and integrated rural development. It finally concludes that, the only panacea to sustainable integrated rural development in Nigeria is via pragmatism. It is the desiderata for Nigeria economy rapid growth and development.