Handwriting is considered a written speech of individual’s oral efforts, act, personality, characteristics and tends him to differentiate from others. It’s establish a testimony and distinctive style in writing which only may be vary by accidental causes such as weakness, disease , excitement, carelessness etc. Handwriting is considered as means of individual’s unique identification and varies over a natural range. A testimony phase is found in the handwriting of teenaged and adults. For the present study, 80 samples were collected randomly from Amity University of the age group (17-22) years. By the analysis of age group (17-19) & (20-22) years, it was observed that 75-97% maturation and development of individual characteristics were present in (20-22 years) age group while in (17-19 years) early phase of maturation was in process which indicates that the maturation in writing and styles tends to the age.