Foraging behaviour of bees is depending upon floral ecosystem.Complex relationships between colony biology and that of individual forager, microclimate of the hive and also the physiology of plants and other biological and environmental factors. Compared to several native flower visitors as well as the European honey bee, Apis cerana indica has been found to start its foraging activity earlier in the mornings and to increase its activity later in the evenings on several tropical, sub tropical and temperate crop plants on several crop plants, visit of Apis cerana more or less coincides with the period of pollen release and stigmatic receptivity in the flowers. This benefits the honeybees to compete successfully with the antophils for food and also makes them the most efficient pollinators(Mishra et al; 1976). The number of foragers is corrected with atmospheric temperature, soil temperature, relative humidity, light intensity and nectar sugar concentration but not with wind velocity. A dual threshold of temperature and light intensity exists for commencement of foraging; The population dynamics was directly temperature of 20 to 35o C and a relative humidity of 26 to 80%. The Indian bee is an efficient forager. It carries pollen load ranging from 2 to 190 mg in weight. Relative humidity and rain fall showed a significant positive relationship with pollen gathering capacity but not with nectar gathering activity. Temperature and wind speed did not affect the foraging activity.