The problem of drug abuse has assumed greater significance in recent years in India, more so since the 1980’s. The many health, social and economic problems and even deaths associated with such abuse have attracted much research attention of social scientists. Although, almost all sections of society are indulged in taking drugs, youth, particularly post graduate students are more involved with this evil. The current study is aimed to establish the prevalence and reason of substance abuse among University students. This was a cross-sectional and discriptive study among selected University students. Personal and family data sheet (PFDS) and Drug abuse schedule (DAS) were used. Among the sample of 200 students substance abusers, commonly used substances was hallucinogens (80%) followed by narcotics (74%) & tranquilizers (64%) respectively. Majority (92%) of the respondents procure them through company of friends, followed by physiological dependence (90%) and anxiety/ tension reduction (86%) respectively. Substances abuse was found to be prevalent among students in this study involving over the counter and socially acceptable substance as well as the abuse of illicit substances so it requires a team work to tackle this problem which has an adverse affect on a huge mass of the world. The present study will prove highly significant having practical implications for NGO’s, parents, society, policy makers and so on. The findings of this study will also serve as guidelines for those who are desirous to further research in this important area.