Background: Obesity is a most prevalent malnutrition all over the world. It is characterized by abnormal growth of adipose tissue. Indeed, we are amidst an epidemic of obesity. (1)(2)(3) Obesity is arbitrarily considered to be present when the fat content of the body is greater than 25% of the body mass in men and 30% in women. Overweight is equally arbitrarily chosen as greater than 130% relative weight, according to life insurance build and mortality tables, or on a body mass index (kg/m2 ) greater than 26. (4) Over the past two decades there has been a dramatic rise in the prevalence of obesity throughout the world. It is estimated by the WHO that globally, over 1 billion (16%) adults are overweight and 300 million of these (5%) are obese. (3) Objectives of the study: 1. To estimate the prevalence of obesity among urban population. Methods: Study Design: A Cross sectional, Community based study was undertaken over a period of one year from January 2013 – December 2013, in Urban field Practice area of Navodaya Medical College. Study Population: People aged 18-65 years residing in the urban field practice area of NMC. Sampling method: Systematic random sampling. Statistical Analysis: Chi Square Test by using SPSS version 17. Results: Total participants in the study were 1751, comprised of 964 males and 787 females. In our study 23.7% of the participants were pre obese (24.79% of males and 22.49% of females). 3.82% of the participants were obese. 35.46% participants had abnormal WHR, it is alarming to note high prevalence 72.68% in females when compared to 5.08% in males. Conclusion: Over weight / obesity and abdominal obesity are seen in nearly one fourth and more than one third of the urban population respectively. It is alarming to note that over weight / obesity and abdominal type of obesity are more among females compared to males.