Nowadays India is developing rapidly like the other western countries. This rapidly changing environment of India is continuously changing the human life style. In modern era the life style disorders are increasing day by day. Due to vitiated and irregular consumption of food, gastrointestinal problems it caused Amlapitta. This disease is as result of vitiation of pitta dosha and classical sign and symptoms are avipaka, klama, utklesha, tiktamlodgara, hridkantha, daha and aruchi. Amlapitta is described under context of disease arised from aama. When foods are imature or not completely digested it forms aama. Aama get mixed with pitta it forms samapitta and symptoms of it is resemble as Amlapitta. Shunthi khanda is very efective clsassical formulation for samprapti vighatan of amlapitta. Main constituent of this formulation is Sunthi which is one of the best aampachak and agneedipak. Ghrit, Dugdha, Aamalki, Haritaki, Pippali, Dhanyak, Vanshlochan, Nagar motha& Jeerak. It eliminate all the disease arised from Aama. Ghrit is very effective in agnideepan & aama pachan. Dugdha, Pippali & Haritaki are mriduvirchniya dravya so it is helpful to eliminate pitta dosha. Aamalki, Dhanyak, Vanshlochana & Nagar motha are agnideepak drugs so that it cures the agnimandya.