Critical Thinking is ability or set of skills that is highly valued in students, especially in contemporary world and development of Critical Thinking has become a promising strategy helping to increase learning effectiveness while teaching any subject matter. Improving Critical Thinking is accepted as a crucial goal of education and schools are considered one of the best places where Critical Thinking can be developed efficiently. In the present study, the effect of active learning strategies on the critical thinking dispositions of secondary school students have been investigated. The study adopted quasi experimental pre-test post-test two group design. The pretest and post-test were administered to the two non-equivalent samples in the form of intact groups of class IX of two different schools. Findings of the study indicated that the Active Learning Strategies were effective in improving the Critical Thinking of the secondary school students. It was also found that the Active Learning Strategies were effective in enhancing most of the dimensions of Critical Thinking dispositions among the secondary school students.