The present proposed research study is focused on characterization of groundwater collected near a stream joining Bay of Bengal at Konada of Vijayanagaram district of A.P. India to evaluate the status of chemical contamination for assessing their potential for Application. Physicochemical parameters viz., pH, EC,TDS,TH,TA,Ca,Mg,Na,K,F-,Cl-,So4-2 and Po4-3 are analyzed along with determination of certain irrigation parameters which include %Na, SAR, RSC, Kelly’s Ratio and MH. Standard procedures of APHA and NEERI are followed for the analysis. The research results revealed that the levels of certain physicochemical parameters like EC, TDS, TH, TA, Ca, Mg in majority cases of groundwater exceeded the permissible limit indicating the unsuitability of groundwater for drinking purposes. Irrigation parametric values of %Na, SAR, RSC, KR are within the permissible limit indicating their suitability for irrigation purposes. Magnesium Hazard (MH) levels in majority water samples exceeded the permissible limit indicating the magnesium hazard of these waters. These waters are to properly treated to minimize the levels of MH even for considering them for irrigation purposes or otherwise these waters will deplete the quality of groundwaters and consequently the yield of the crops will be minimized.