The present study was carried out to evaluate physicochemical parameters and quantification of polyphenols and alkaloids present in the stem bark extract of Ficusinfectoria. Physicochemical parameters such as ash value (total ash, acid insoluble ash), loss on drying, alcohol soluble extractive, water soluble extractive were evaluated using API guidelines and were found in acceptable range. The concentrations of alkaloids and flavonoids were determined by using gravimetric method. The determination of the total phenolic content was carried out by using spectroscopic method, while tannins were determined by using titrimetric method. Physio-chemical properties can provide valuable information regarding plant authentication and certainly quantification of polyphenols and alkaloids are helpful in laying a firm foundation for the utilization of plant extracts in the animal studies. Ficusinfectoria was found to possess good quantity of tannins as compared to other polyphenols and alkaloids present in it.