A 7-month old non-descript male pet dog was presented with history of a reddish mass protruding through the anus, dyschezia, severe straining, passing of blood tinged stool and anorexia over a period of one week. At the beginning, one month before, the mass was noticeable only during defecation and this had grown gradually to attain the present persisting size. Physical examination of the dog’s hind quarter revealed a bright red, irregular shaped non-ulcerating hard lump of about 4-5 cm in diameter with a protruding tip and superficially seated on the ventro-lateral surface of anal mucosa. Gentle palpation of growth resulted expulsion of one round worm through the opening present in the protruding tip. Treatment involved surgical excision of the growth under general anaesthesia and post operative care. The animal made an uneventful recovery with no sign of any of the preoperative complains in 90 days of follow-up. The parasites were morphologically identified as Spirocerca lupi. Rare occurrence of S. lupi infection at the unusual site of anal mucosa is discussed in the light of available literature.