Alkaline soil samples, collected from open mines, having different pH (7±0.3, 9±0.3 and 10±0.3) were used for the isolation of textile reactive dye decolorization study by enrichment. Five potent gram positive reactive Blue RGB dye decolorizing bacilli were isolated and identified during the study, these were designated as A, B, C, D and E for the ease of permutations. Decolorization of Reactive Blue RGB (100, 200, 500 and 1000 mg/L) was studied at pH 9±0.3 at 30±2.0ºC in Nutrient Broth containing glucose. Isolate E was the most efficient Reactive Blue RGB decolorizer, exhibiting 98.38% decolorization of Blue RGB (500 mg/L) in 24 h, with a rate of 20.50 mg/L/h moreover at 1000 mg/L initial dye concentration it could decolorize the dye by 95.10% with a very significant dye removal rate of 39.63 mg/L/h. The consortium containing AE, BE, CE, DE, CDE, EAB and EABC isolates decolorized Blue RGB (500 mg/L) with 98.38, 98.38, 98.09, 84.81, 84.95, 99.28 and 98.00% with an efficient dye removal rate of 20.50, 20.50, 20.44, 17.67, 17.70, 20.68 and 20.42 mg/L/h respectively, during the 1st 24 h of incubation