Introduction: Low birth weight (LBW) is an important cause of perinatal, neonatal and post-natal morbidity and mortality. In developing countries, LBW of newborns is mainly due to the poor socio-economic and environmental conditions of the mother.
Objectives: To assess the maternal and socio demographic factors influencing the birth weight of babies
Material and Methods: A record based retrospective study was conducted for three months duration in Chengalpattu Medical College Hospital. 500 case sheets of neonates who were admitted in neonatal intensive care unit during the period of were collected based on convenient sampling from the medical record department.
Results: Among the study group 39.1 % of neonates were low birth weight. A significant association was found between the following factors like age of the mother, education, family income, birth spacing and birth weight of the babies.(P<0.05).
Conclusion: The present study suggests that improvement in maternal education, income, avoiding close birth spacing , adequate antenatal care are essential for reducing LBW in newborns. The problem of low birth weight is multidimensional and integrated approach is necessary which includes medical, social, economical and educational measures.