Red rain has been noticed in several parts of the world since 1818. In Kerala state, red rain occurred in different parts in 2001-2002. In 2011, the red rain occurred in isolated parts of Kerala along with which the geological phenomenon such as collapse of wells, landslides, and earthquakes were also reported. Red rain water and normal rain water were analyzed. In the red rain, a number of bio-cells and several ores including chromium (V1) were observed, in normal rain water Cr (V1) was absent and the number of bio - cells was very low. In the red rain water, bio-cells and water had shown gradual colour changes. The new findings that there is release of sub- surface gases from underground owing to geological phenomenon like earthquakes, landslides, caving in of wells, etc. Several ores (minerals) get discharged in to the atmosphere along with these gases. These ores in the red rain water gives the red colour to the water and biocells. The different colours of water corresponded to the different types of ores present in the medium. Thus a direct correlation of red rain with geological phenomenon was noted in this study.