Gender refers to the qualities or characteristics that society ascribes to each sex. In all culture gender determines roles and responsibilities as well as power and resources of women and men. Women in all regions face gender-related constrains that reduce their productivity and impose real cost on society. At least 70% of world’s very poor people live in rural areas in developing countries. In developing countries like India, women play an important role in agricultural and other sectors like livestock production, horticulture, crop production, post-harvest operation, fisheries and forestry etcetera. According to Swami Nathan, the famous agricultural scientist, “some historians believe that it was woman who first domesticated crop plants and thereby initiated the art and science of farming.”According to the traditional pattern of work distribution within households in most developing countries women are primarily responsible to meet the basic needs of their families. In addition, women farming households in developing countries are female headed due to male migration and some other reasons. The role that women play and their position in meeting the challenges of agricultural production and development are quit dominant and prominent. Above all she faces ignorance, financial constraints, non-availability of adequate education facilities, sexual harassment, low payment etc. Their role in agriculture sector is as important as men. Therefore, farm women should educate themselves in agriculture and allied fields. They have to aware about their surroundings, modern farm technologies, existing rights and judicial relief and other things which they don’t have. This Paper reviews highlight the role and position of women workers in agricultural sector.