The study was aimed to measure the level of self-esteem, perceived social support and stress among addicts and non-addicts. Addicts have low level of self-esteem, perceived social support and high level stress than non addicts. There would be negative correlation b/w stress and self-esteem, stress and perceived social support and positive correlation b/w perceived social support and self-esteem. A Sample of 100 men were taken 3 out of which were discarded due incomplete form, out of which 42 were addicts and were under treatment for drug addiction relief and other 55 were non addicts. The age range of the participants was minimum 19 and maximum 60 years (X=27.18, SD=6.87), with minimum primary education. After taking permission from relevant authorities participants were individually administered the Urdu translated version of scales including: Respondent Profile form, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet& Farley, 1988), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and Perceived Stress Scale (Sheldon Cohen and his colleagues, 1983) were administered to assess perceived social support; self-esteem; and stress respectively. Descriptive statistics, t-test, Correlation statistics, other relevant statistics were applied (SPSS, V.13). Cohen’s d was also applied to check the effect size. The results indicated significance in self-esteem in addicts and non addicts (t (95) =3.101, p=.003, d=0.6275), also negative co-relation between stress and self-esteem (r= -.305, p=.002) while the other results have no significance (p>.05). Conclusion: Addicts have low level of self-esteem than non-addicts, but the level of perceived social support and stress has been seen as equal in both groups.