Role Of Yoga On Depression Among Prisoners- A Narrative Review

Research Article
Deepika. K, Prabavathy S, and Renuka K
Prevalence, Depression, Prisoners, Yoga, Prevalence

Depressive symptoms are common mental disorders around worldwide. The prevalence of depression among prisoners is much greater than in general population. Reviews was searched and with regard to prevalence of depression among prisoners and role of Yoga to act on it. A literature search was conducted with the following search terms, key-words and phrases – ‘Depression’, ‘Prisoners’, ‘Prevalence’, ‘Yoga’. The search was performed in the following databases - PubMed, Medline, Medline plus and Google Scholar. Considerable controvert exists regarding the causes of increased prevalence rate of depression among prisoners. There is a relevant gaps existing in relevant aspects, encouraging the future researchers to do studies in different aspects to evaluate the impact of each variable in risk of developing depression. From this review we analyze that there are various factors which influence the prevalence rate of depression and that is managed by practicing regular sessions of Yoga. Research literature supports the necessity for early identification of depression and encourage the prisoners to prisoners to practice yoga to a have sound health.. It is of supreme importance that guidelines specific to the Indian medicine Yoga plays a vital role in improving the mental health of an individual.