Screening Of Glucoamylase Producing Fungi From The Soils Of Jabalpur Region

Research Article
Pathak, SS and Sandhu, SS
Amylolytic, Soil fungi, Amylase activity index, Zone of clearance, Glucoamylase activity

The amylolytic soil fungi show potential applications in bakery, alcohol, textile and detergent industries. The present work was designed with aim of isolation of glucoamylase producing fungi from soil near different bakery shops, atta-chakki shops and flour-mill dumped areas of Jabalpur region. Thereafter screening of potent fungal isolates was performed using starch hydrolysis test and solid state fermentation. It was found that out of total 62 fungal isolates obtained from different collection sites. The primary screening of all fungal isolates was done by starch hydrolysis test. Among all the fungal isolates, SSP#1, SSP#12, SSP#13, SSP#14, SSP#16, SSP#17, SSP#22, SSP#26, SSP#38, SSP#42, SSP#47, SSP#49 and SSP#58 were found to show maximum zone of clearance in starch agar media. The maximum zone diameter 27.53 mm was given by SSP#16 with amylase activity index 1.83 and maximum glucoamylase activity 2.68 ±0.52 U/mL/min. The potent fungal isolate SSP#16 was identified as Aspergillus flavipes strain. The study shows potential of the local potent fungal isolate for glucoamylase production in industrial sectors for achieving economy.