Seasonal Instability On Diatom Diversity In Mahadevarahalli Lake, Mangalapura Lake, Nagathihalli Lake And Yadapura Lake Of Arsikere Taluk, Hassan District, Karnataka, India

Research Article
Purushotham, S.P. and Anupama, N.
Water quality, Arsikere Taluk, Hassan District, Nagathihalli lake, Bio-indicators, N.mutica, N. rhynocephalia, Organic pollution, Anthropogenic eutrophication

Water is the life blood of our Planet. The study on hand has focused on the present status of diatom diversity and to determine pollution level in four lakes of Arsikere Taluk. The aquatic organisms were used as bio indicators for pollution and also as bio-monitors to understand the interaction between organism's responses to environmental alteration and their legal effect. This study is aimed to evaluate the water quality in Arsikere Taluk lakes using diatoms as indicators together with physico-chemical parameters. Overall, the identified diatoms in four lakes were water quality indicators. In Mahadevarahalli lake S. ulna and N. rhynocephalia were proved as anthropogenic indicators and N. halophila was responsible for organic pollution. In Mangalapura lake S. ulna and N. rhynocephalia were liable for anthropogenic pollution with no organic indicators and no organic pollution. Nagathihalli lake was contaminated by organic pollution indicator N.mutica and anthropogenic indicator N. rhynocephalia showing both organic as well as anthropogenic pollution. Absence of both anthropogenic and organic indicator were observed in Yadapura lake. Results of the present study cautions to stop the pollution quick and not to make the water sick.