Research Article
Vettar Estuary, Vettar River, Coastal waters, Nagapattinam Coastal area
The present investigation is an attempt to ascertain the nature of the environment at Nagapattinam, a Coastal Village of Tamil Nadu. For the present study three sampling stations were fixed viz., Vettar River, Vettar Estuary and Coastal waters (St-I, St-II and St-III). Such a trend were similar in all the three stations. Nutrients like PO4, NO3, NO2 and SiO2, Total hardness, Sulphate, Free ammonia, Total dissolved solids, Total alkalinity, Flouride and Total organic carbon also exhibited high values during the monsoon season and low values were recorded during the summer season. It is likely that the river water is enriched by the domestic sewage, agricultural wastes and industrial effluents