Serum biochemical tests are important for routine monitoring of the health status of elephants. The common liver function tests used for elephants include aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase and bilirubin. The research was conducted in 17 elephants of Sauraha at three different locations: Elephant Breeding Centre at Khorsor, Chitwan National Park Hattisar and Gaida Wildlife Camp Hattisar at Sauraha. Various biochemical parameters, i.e. Alkaline Phosphatase, SGOT/AST level, SGPT/ALT level, Blood glucose level and Total Bilirubin level of those elephants were measured using serum samples of those elephants in Motherland Hospital Private Limited, Bhaktapur using standard protocol. In the population of study, blood sugar level was almost in normal range except in one elephant. Serum creatinine level and Total Bilirubin level were almost in normal range. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was elevated in four elephants. Among those four elephants, the elephant with slight elevation of Alkaline phosphatase (461 IU/L) had also slight increase in SGPT/ALT value (6 IU/L). However, those with high elevation of ALP had also highly elevated SGPT/ALT value. The SGPT/ALT values of all the elephants were above normal range. The SGOT/AST was almost in normal range except in two elephants. Those with elevated value of SGOT/AST value had also elevated level of ALP and SGPT/ALT. However, the value of Total Bilirubin was almost normal in the sampled elephant populations. Association between SGPT elevation with body condition score was analyzed by using Chi-Square test and elevation of SGPT (above 6 IU/L) was not found to be significantly different (P = 0.858, χ2 = 0.032) between the elephants with low BCS (below 8) and high BCS. Association between SGPT elevation with parasitic presence was analyzed by using Chi-Square test and elevation of SGPT (above 6 IU/L) was not found to be significantly different (P = 0.585), χ2 = 0.298) between the elephants positive for gastrointestinal parasites and negative for gastrointestinal parasites. Association between elevation of alkaline phosphatase with age of elephants was analyzed by using same statistical tool and elevation of alkaline phosphatase was found to be significantly higher (P < 0.05, χ2 = 4.65) in the elephants with age below 6 years compared to higher age group elephants.