The family has been and continues to be one of the most important elements in the fabric of Indian society. Marriages in India are essentially endogamous in nature and an integral part of this family system. It is the approved social pattern whereby two and more people establish a family which involves not only the right to conceive and rear children but also a host of other obligation and privileges affecting a good many people. In the early days trend of arrange marriage between two eligible male and female was under strict control of both side families. Later the society changed and the prospective brides and grooms started choosing their own life partners irrespective of caste and religion boundary and involved into love marriage system. Beside the flow of love marriage, the trend of arrange marriage did not turn sublime rather continued silently. Matrimonial advertisements are gaining prominence in the realm of marriage partner selection process, which is mainly used for seeking wider options and exercising personal choices. Using newspapers as a medium for finding a life partner is indeed a widely prevalent practice adopted in India in recent times. The present research work introspects into the questions related to the socio-cultural components in matrimonial advertisements and allied issues. Finding shows that Hindu marriage system is still compassionate about age old ethnic quality, racial identity, caste system and religious issues so far matrimonial advertisements are concern.