This article presents the theoretical-methodological development of a tool oriented to the evaluation and socio-spatial analysis of socio-cultural aspects that impact on the environment, understood as the interaction, culturally organized, between society and nature. This tool is developed in acrisis scenario in the relationship between scientific knowledge production and public management described by Silvio Funtowicz and Andrea Saltelli , which highlights the need for a review of knowledge production processes and their relationship with government institutions. The developed tool consists on an integration between aninformation system and a procedure. The first represents an instrument for the integration of environmental information understood as evidence to be used in negotiation processes . The second, a development for the approach to sociocultural aspects conceived from a socio-spatial-temporal perspective of culture, reflexive , based on a conceptualization of Sociocultural and Environmental Factors (SaEF) that fundaments its construction, evaluation and multidimensional socio-spatial analysis. The article is completed with the application of this development to the case of the Influence of Media in Lujándepartment (Buenos Aires, Argentina), which allowed to identify effects, risks and synergies at a local scale. The obtained result allows to conclude the pertinence of the proposed integration, while its theoretical-methodological bases allows its replication to other socio-cultural aspects or to other administrative units